Deerlijknaar throws a paper plane 48 (!) meters away and is Belgian Champion

Deerlijknaar throws a paper plane 48 (!) meters away and is Belgian Champion

Together with two others, he may represent our country during the world final in Austria in May.

Throwing paper planes was a real sport at the Belgian final in Brussels yesterday. One of the winners is Hannes Deweer from Kortrijk. With 48.5 meters he sets a new Belgian record.

“I’m not really experienced”, says Hannes. “It was more of a coincidence that I saw it on Instagram. I practiced for a few days and tried to make the best of it. I’m super happy because the competition was great. I’m a little surprised myself with the win.”

(read more below the photo)

To the World Cup in Austria

The Red Bull competition has been around for sixteen years. For those who still doubt how the game works: you fold a plane with a sheet of A4 paper and throw your copy as far as possible, or you keep it in the air for as long as possible.

“My tactic was to fold as smooth as possible and take a run-up”explains Hannes.

Hannes is allowed to go to Austria on May 13 and 14 to compete against the world high flyers. The current record is held by a Japanese for the flight time and an American for the distance, with no less than 64 meters.
