Wedding, how much does it cost? Dress, reception, photo: the prices

IS the most important day in a couple’s life, in which to celebrate love with relatives and friends without thinking too much about the wallet. True, very true, sacrosanct. But between dresses and receptions, flowers, favors and DJ sets, the cost of a wedding can soar to the point of breaking even the most generous budget. Therefore, it is better to have clear from the beginning how much you are willing to invest. Yeah, how much?

Wedding reception: it is the most important expense

According to a survey launched by Wedding.compart of The Knot Worldwide group and reference portal for the bridal sector in Italy, the most important expense item is the reception: 38% of respondents (more than 3,500 responses from married couples in 2021) say they have spent between 101 and 150 euros per diner for the catering service. If you calculate that, according to The White Book of Marriage, the average number of wedding guests in Italy is 114, the total amount of catering is between 11,514 and 17,100 euros.

Wedding trends 2022: who suits the empire-style wedding dress

Photos, you need a professional

Another not insignificant expense is that for the photographer: according to the survey by, couples prefer not to take risks and 90% of them claims to have entrusted to a professional photographer. 31% spend between 2,001 and 3 thousand euros; 20% between 1,501 and 2 thousand euros. Among the 2022 trends for this expense category, the aerial photography, i.e. with drones: environments immersed in nature are the ideal setting for spectacular images, to be kept and looked at for a lifetime.

(photo Nunzio Mirenda Fotografi 3.0_via

Wedding dress … and bridegroom

And what about the dress? Future brides are unwilling to compromise: i32% of the interviewees declared that they spent between 2,001 and 3 thousand euros (average expenditure € 2,138). 18% of brides exceed 3 thousand euros (but not 5 thousand!) And 4% exceed 5 thousand euros. For the hairstyle you spend between 200 and 250 euros, with peaks around 300 euros. For the make-up? Between 100 and 150.

The expense is significantly lowered if the dress to choose and buy is that of the groom: on average, under 1,500 euros. With tie and bow tie but more casual than in the past, in this 2022: green light, in addition to the classic blue and black, also to natural colors (brown, beige, light gray etc.).

Music and faiths, the figure is the same

Among the other important expense items, the one related to music, which for 60% of the spouses is live: the budget invested in the soundtrack of the big day. The same amount invested on average also in faiths.

Happy with marriage (within budget)

The total mean? For 23.2% of the interviewees, it is around between 20 and 30 thousand euros with peaks over 30 thousand. The good news is that most of the newlyweds spent more or less what they expected. And that, perhaps, he had allocated months and months ago, before the pandemic. But, finally, the best season has arrived to go to the altar (or to a municipal hall set up for the purpose): 12.16% of weddings throughout the year are scheduled for next May. But it will continue in June (23.11%) until September (22.69%) and beyond.

