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★★★1/ 2 Las Rojas is laudable in more ways than one. First, for including a fantastic element and opting for adventure and landscape to narrate what you want: here, what begins as a competition between two paleontologists in pursuit of a mythical animal ends in a crusade against a “villain” with intentions ranging beyond the scientific. The second is to deal with solidarity between women in a non-declamatory way, based on a common interest that makes it more universal. Third, take advantage of nature as a reflection of the ideas of the plot. By the way, it is not a perfect film: there is still a gap between acting customs and the use of the body or the distance to narrate. It is not a problem of the actresses, who are really very good, but of the infrequency of this type of story in Argentine cinema. But there are many more successes than failures. An interesting step for the director of Natural Sciences and El Pampero.

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