The Netherlands will supply heavy equipment to Ukraine | news item

News item | 20-04-2022 | 14:49

The Netherlands will supply heavy equipment to Ukraine, including armored vehicles. Minister Kajsa Ollongren writes this to the House of Representatives. Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Mark Rutte informed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about the intended delivery in a telephone conversation.

In that conversation, Prime Minister Rutte underlined the undiminished Dutch support for Ukraine. He did this partly in view of Russia’s renewed offensive in the Donbas region. In light of these developments, the government considers it important to continue to contribute to Ukrainian self-defence.

No announcements

The Ministry of Defense does not make any announcements about the type of weapon system or vehicle supplied by the Netherlands. This is done for security reasons. This also applies to information about numbers, when they leave or arrive and exactly where they are going.

A short training course is given outside Ukraine for the use of the vehicles. It is being investigated whether Defense can supply even more heavier equipment together with other allies.
