Climate and sustainability: Italians’ green questions on Google

No.he last years there health of the environment and the planet it has become an increasingly discussed topic, both at an institutional and individual level.

Because of this, Google, gateway to knowledge of the indexed web, in view of the Earth Dayon April 22, he tried to understand how much do Italians really know about sustainability through their questions on the topic on the classic search engine and on Maps.

Green on Google, what interests Italians

The questions, the most sought-after topics, the greener places and the use of alternative means: how are Italians really questioning themselves on the subject? How much do they know about sustainability? What are the arguments and places most searched greens?

green on google

Green questions on Google

Taking a look at the questions that Italians ask Google on the green issue, we understand that there is a strong desire to find useful solutions. Be faced with immense questions such as “What to do to reduce global warming?” or “How can climate change be solved?“, Both in their own small way,”Which diet is more sustainable?”, Testimony of the desire to find practical solutions to be applied in personal life, and beyond.

But, from the results, it is also observed a need to better understand what is happening. “What is sustainable development?” and “What are greenhouse gases?”, in fact, are the questions that recorded the greatest increase in the period January-February 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year.

The most searched topics

Moving on to the most searched topics on Google we find all related topics energy, pollution, consumption on the moveto the way we feed ourselves with respect for the environment.

The themes that have instead set a trend in research, highlighting an important growth compared to the same period of the previous year, are: “thesustainable urban infrastructure“,”water safety” And “environment“. These three topics experienced more than 5,000% growth in searches between January and February 2022.

On the agenda also topics such as “sustainable life“(+ 375%)”marine energy“(+ 370%) and”green economy“(+ 178%).

Interests on Google Maps

Turning to Google Maps, the searches for places that allow us to have a more sustainable life have increased exponentially. In the first place we find “charging station for electric vehicles”Up by 169%, a sign that more and more Italians have decided to buy an electric car to travel greener.

In second place, with 146% increase, we find “Farmer’s market“. Km0 products they are becoming the first choice for Italians, thus eliminating transport pollution.

Also “second hand clothing stores (+ 371%) / used clothing (+ 703%) / vintage clothing (+ 576%) ”occupy three places on the list, marking a real turning point for one of the themes closest to Italians: fashion. In closing we also find one of the most important places for environmental care: “the waste management service”, Also up by 55% compared to March 2021.

Sustainable mobility

Finally, with regard to sustainable mobility and city travel: Google Maps reports that almost the 40% of the inhabitants of Rome and Milan use alternative means to the car to move in a sustainable way in the city.

In fact, these people choose to move by public transport, respectively 14% and 13.7%, using the bicycle (2.8% and 2%) or walking (22.2% and 23.8%). The fastest growing figure compared to 2022 is that related to bicycleswhich sees a two percentage point increase for both cities.

