Work E17 Waregem: this is how long hindrance will last

Work E17 Waregem: this is how long hindrance will last

As of today, the real infrastructure works have started at the slip roads of the E17 in Waregem. The complex will be tackled in two major phases. First is the southern side, the side of Anzegemturn (phase 2† These works will last from April 19 to mid-June. Next is the northern side, the side of Waregemturn (phase 3

The bridge over the highway will be closed to cyclists and cars from April 19 to probably mid-September. The entrance and exit to Ghent will also be closed until mid-June. All traffic between Anzegem and Waregem must follow a detour.

Traffic diversions during phase 2

Car traffic will follow a detour during phase 2:

o Traffic from Waregem to Ghent travels via the Deerlijk entrance and exit complex (no. 4).

o Traffic from Anzegem to Kortrijk or Waregem travels via Tiegemberg, Kapellestraat (N494), Stijn Streuvelsstraat (N36) and the Deerlijk entrance and exit complex (no. 4). To Waregem you continue via the Ringlaan (N36), the Kortrijkseweg and Gentseweg (N43).

o Traffic from Anzegem to Ghent travels via the Anzegemsesteenweg (N494), the Winston Churchillstraat (N459) and the Kruishoutem entrance and exit complex (no. 6).

o Heavy traffic (+3.5 tons) from Ghent to Anzegem drive via exit Deerlijk (no. 4), N36, Kapellestraat (N494), Tiegemberg.

o Traffic from Kortrijk to Waregem takes the exit Deerlijk (no. 4), the Ringlaan (N36) and the Gentsesteenweg (N43).

(read more below the map)

Bicycle detour

From 19 April, cyclists will no longer be able to cross the E17 along the bridge of the Express Road. Between Anzegem and Waregem they have to follow a diversion: in both directions they take a detour via the bridge of the Wortegemseweg over the E17. In the longer term, a new bicycle bridge will be foreseen between the Expressweg and the Wortegemseweg as an extension of the Keizerstraat.

First ‘braid’ in Belgium

The complex is being completely redesigned in an ingenious way. In the future, traffic on the Express Road will be diverted to the other side of the road before the bridge with traffic lights. After the bridge, the two driving directions cross again, so that everyone drives on their side of the road again. This technology ensures that car traffic that wants to drive onto the highway only encounters one traffic light instead of two. For example, traffic on the Expressweg is much smoother and traffic jams on the highway have also been resolved. This system, also known as a ‘braid’ or Diverging Diamond Interchange, is mainly used in the United States. ‘De Vlecht’ from Waregem will be the first example in Belgium, although Wallonia will also start later this year with a ‘carrefour and diamond’.

View the simulation here:
