Eon boss still against gas embargo – ‘Europe would have a massive problem’

DSSELDORF (dpa-AFX) – The boss of the energy company Eon (EON SE), Leonhard Birnbaum, has again spoken out against an embargo on Russian natural gas. “It’s not that only Germany would be hit hard by such a step, Europe would have a massive problem,” Leonhard said in an interview with the “Handelsblatt” (Tuesday). For example, Slovakia is completely dependent on Russian gas. The Czech Republic and Austria obtain most of their natural gas from Russia.

“If we think we can ensure Germany’s supply without taking care of the other countries together, then that will tear the EU apart,” said the energy manager. “We must not treat this as a national issue.” He still finds it “right and responsible” that the federal government rejects a gas embargo.

He believes that Germany can be independent of Russian energy imports in three years. “If we’re faster, that’s nice, but it’s definitely not a question of three months.”/tob/DP/jha

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