Samp-Salernitana, ultra anger: bus blocked in the street

The Dorian organized supporters did not accept the team’s greeting after the knockout against Salernitana and outside Marassi stopped the return of Giampaolo’s men to the hotel

Harsh challenge against the Sampdoria players by the hottest fringe of the Sampdoria supporters. At the end of the match, the Dorian steps rejected the team in midfield with choirs and whistles, as they were preparing to reach the same steps. Then, the discontent of the fans also manifested itself when the bus exited the Ferraris, and continued later, when the vehicle escorted by the police vans tried to reach the hotel in the east of the city where the players were they had their own cars.


The fans invaded Corso Europa, blocking the roadway to the east and preventing the bus from advancing, while the agents persuaded them to retreat. In the end, there was a brief confrontation between the protesters and the team, which promised an immediate redemption in the next advance on Saturday in Verona. However, traffic remained paralyzed for a long time in the city on the main artery towards the Riviere, until the situation finally returned to normal. At the end of the match there was a meeting between the management and the coach, in which the problems of the moment were addressed: it is possible that the departure for Verona, where Sampdoria will play on Saturday, will be brought forward, but for now this remains a ‘ hypothesis.
