Bridget Maasland and Eva Jinek critical of Johnny de Mol

Bridget Maasland and Eva Jinek wonder whether Johnny de Mol would do well to simply continue to present his talk show HLF8. “He gets publicity with this every night.”


Johnny de Mol and his lawyer complain that he is being hindered in his television work, because the case about the alleged abuse of Shima Kaes is still hanging over his head. However, TV stars Bridget Maasland and Eva Jinek also point to the role of Johnny himself. After all, he seeks publicity every night with his talk show.

Eva critical

According to Eva, it is difficult to continue to present a daily talk show as Johnny because the viewer is so aware of his private vicissitudes, she said last week. Now she adds that she wonders whether Johnny is not cutting himself by cutting appear on television every night to generate even more publicity.

Eva last night in her talk show: “Winston (Gerschtanowitz, ed.) says: ‘You are only guilty if that has been proven and it has also been judged’, but present a program with which you get publicity every night while this is in the background plays, is that compatible as far as you are concerned?”


Crime journalist Paul Vughts indicates that it is indeed complicated. “Well, that’s extremely uncomfortable, of course. But yes, you do have the two different tracks.”

It is no different for Johnny, according to Paul. “You have his program and the Public Prosecutor’s Office that has to quietly investigate and then decide whether or not there is a case to go to court. That is an unfortunate side effect that it takes place side by side.”

Johnny’s friend Winston Gerschtanowitz: “But it’s his job.”

All you can eat

Rob Goossens also believes that appearing on TV every night is inconvenient. “If you really don’t want it (attention, ed.) Then you should actually advise Johnny de Mol to really stop his talk show, even if he doesn’t feel like it at all and I understand that” , he says in RTL Boulevard.

He continues: “Every day he gives rise to talk about that case with his talk show. First because he reacted to Johan Derksen, then because he sat at the table with Bilal Wahib. So yes, it’s kind of an all you can eat restaurant for reasons to talk about that case. If you don’t want that, then you have to get off that table.”

What does Bridget say?

Bridget Maasland, one of Johnny’s many ex-girlfriends: “Or not always respond to these conversations. That is of course also possible.”

Continuing to present HLF8 is difficult, Bridget also thinks. “It’s not about him not being able to practice it (his profession, ed.), I think it’s more annoying for him if you don’t want a media fight, that you stay part of it of course.”
