Basketball Serie A, Milan beats Cremona and finds Efes in the Euroleague

The Lombard derby is from the AX that finds Shields and Daniels after Covid. The victory of Maccabi Tel Aviv over Fenerbahce completes the picture of the Euroleague quarterfinals

The AX Milano takes the Lombard derby with Vanoli and returns to success in the league, 70-61. Cremona holds up with courage for more than three quarters before yielding in the last fraction, the decisive impact of Melli and Shields for the AX, the promising flashes of the many young players available to coach Galbiati are not enough for the guests.

Milan-Cremona 70-61

Call and response in blue at the start, Melli responds with a nice dunk to the Spanish basket. The thrust of Shields is the engine of the first Milanese mini-break, Hall and Ricci certify the escape at 10-2. Talent and nerve of Spaniard and Gallo in Vanoli’s attempt to react, the AX does not miss a shot in attack and is already a double-digit advantage after Grant’s jumper, 16-6. Bentil and Baldasso also immediately sign up for the scoresheet, holding up the guests who are still at minus 7 thanks to the scratches of Juskevicius, 21-14. The comeback of the boys of coach Galbiati continues, Gallo and Kohs feed the Cremonese partial, 23-18. Olimpia claims its greater tonnage, Ricci, Tarczewski and Melli work well in attacking rebound, Shields’ flash and new plus 12, 32-20. He does not give up Vanoli who clings to the energy of an adrenaline-pumping Dime, Juskevicius is a hammer from distance, 32-27. The Lithuanian’s third foul does not change the score before the break, Milan ahead 35-30 at mid-match. Cremona dreams at the opening of the second half, again the power of Dime and a penetration of Cournooh give Vanoli the minus 1, 37-36. There is the connection at 39 after Gallo’s fearless triple, Olimpia tries to raise the defensive pressure on the experience of Melli, a flying dunk from Reggio for the new plus 7, 48-41. Many errors at the start of the fourth period with Cremona also conditioned by fouls, Hall reports the AX margin in double digits, 55-45. McNeace fights with pride in the colored area but this time the red and white tear is the decisive one, Tarczweski seals the maximum advantage, 62-48. Olimpia spreads up to 18, a gap that becomes too punitive for Cournooh and his teammates who return to minus 9 at the final siren, 70-61.

Milan Shields 13, Melli 12, Grant 11
Cremona Tinkle and Juskevicius 11, Spanish and Dime 8
