Alex Baroni, Giorgia’s social memory 20 years after her death

THEApril 13, 2002 he left us Alex Baroni, unforgettable singer-songwriter ed ex boyfriend of singer Giorgia. After 20 years it is she who remembers him with a moving dedication on social media.

Alex Baroni and Giorgia’s post

One foreground with serene look straight into the room, smiling and in white and black. This is the photo of Alex Baroni published by Giorgia on Twitter on the anniversary of the singer-songwriter’s death.

20 years without Alex, son, brother, friend, companion and unrepeatable artist»Wrote the singer. Who described in this way everything that Baroni represented for her.

Time erases nothing

But there is more. “Time erases nothing»Added Giorgia in her post. As if to underline that the memory of Alex Baroni is not erased with the passing of the years. Just as the feeling that united them and the pain for his disappearance do not pass over the years.

Alex Baroni (Ansa)

The accident

Alex Baroni died at 35, after 25 days of coma for the consequences of a fight between his motorcycle and a car, which took place on March 19, 2002.

Although the maneuver of the car was not regular, the driver was acquitted of manslaughter charges because, according to the judge, the singer was without a helmet and was driving at high speed.

Concert for Pino Daniele in Naples, thrilling performance by Giorgia

Concert for Pino Daniele in Naples, thrilling performance by Giorgia

Love with Giorgia

The love story between Alex and Giorgia, started in 1997, it lasted until a few months before the singer’s death. The disappearance caused Giorgia a long period of suffering, and of real collapse.

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A deep pain that returns to be felt every anniversary, and even more so for what marks the exact 20 years from the addior.

