Award for courage and energy

After a two-year break due to Corona, the ANWR GROUP is again offering the August Blanke Prize for the companies in the trade cooperation this year. Entrepreneurs from the shoe, sport and leather goods sectors can apply until May 9th. The motto for 2022 is: courage and energy. The prize will be presented at the ANWR GROUP Dealer Forum 2022 in Salzburg.

With this year’s August Blanke Prize, the ANWR GROUP would like to honor courageous examples from the group of entrepreneurs who have shown particular entrepreneurial courage and drive. Since it is often others who recognize and admire one’s own courage, it is now possible for the first time to nominate fellow traders for the prize.

The members of the jury are: the journalist Prof. Dr. Björn P. Böer, management consultant Dr. Thomas Fischer, Britta Goertz, specialist retailer and member of the ANWR GROUP eG supervisory board, Alenka Klarica, CCO of legero united, Robert Vögel, specialist retailer from Bregenz, as well as ANWR GROUP eG CEO Frank Schuffelen and CEO Fritz Terbuyken. Ullrich Lüke, Head of Corporate Communications at the ANWR GROUP, moderates the jury session.

The August Blanke Prize 2022 will be presented at the ANWR GROUP dealer forum on June 13, 2022 in Salzburg. The award is endowed with 5,000 euros.


The ANWR GROUP eG with its headquarters in Mainhausen (Hessen) is one of the most successful and top-selling trade cooperations in Europe. The group of companies, organized as a cooperative, optimizes processes and provides trading and communication platforms for independent shoe, sports and leather retailers. Around 20,000 medium-sized companies are affiliated with the ANWR group of companies via its two banks – DZB BANK GmbH and AKTIVBANK AG. The group itself employs around 1,400 people.
