Winston Gerschtanowitz caught by Quote: ‘He is so hypocritical’

Winston Gerschtanowitz is an incredibly hypocritical man, the Quote writes. The magazine put him on the cover this month with a revelation about his ‘charity’. “They’re cashing out billions!”


Beau van Erven Dorens had him at his talk show table exactly one year ago this month: Winston Gerschtanowitz. “Winston is launching a campaign to save the Earth!” was the item’s announcement. Jan Terlouw came to the studio to make his Earth Today project extra credible.

Cheating Winston?

With Earth Today, Winston wants to make it easy for people to adopt a square meter of nature and thus protect the world. Even Beau van Erven Dorens was surprised: “No, really. I know you as a sort of collector of watches and all sorts of other riches. If you commit to this, it will really go in the right direction.”

Business magazine Quote comes after a year of research with a ten page publication about this “charity” of Winston. And guess what? Winston and his friends in particular can become very wealthy. “If everything goes according to plan, Winston and his five associates can divide about 3.6 billion euros over seven years.”

In a nutshell

What construction is behind it exactly? Quote explains it in a nutshell: “EarthToday says people can buy square footage. Such a meter costs 1 euro 20, a bargain. 1 euro goes to charity, 5 cents goes to the tax authorities and the other 15 cents goes to EarthToday. Buyers also receive a certificate.”

Winston and his companions also have certificates. “A lot. Billions even. Only they didn’t pay 1 euro 20 for it, but 0.0003 euro. In a few years everyone should be able to resell those certificates again to make the world even more beautiful with even more trees and happy animals.”

Billions of euros

And that’s when Winston and his buddies should walk in, Quote reveals. “Winston and his friends are counting on the fact that their club will only become more popular and that even more people will want to protect nature. It must then be so popular that the certificates become a lot more expensive.”

“Even so expensive that Winston and his friends see billions of euros rolling their way. Handy, huh, from Winston? Yes, Winston is a smart boy. With the heart in the right place. he says himself.”


Quote editor-in-chief Paul van Riessen thinks it’s incredible. “If you let the public, your lenders and even your figurehead believe that you are only concerned with nature, you are not holy but hypocritical. And I certainly don’t have a weakness for that,” he writes in his editorial.

Jan Terlouw is also shocked: “That has kept me away from the possibility that people will earn money with it. I don’t think that’s the intention either. I find that worrying. As soon as that is the case, I will withdraw my hands from it.”

Winston responds

When Winston is presented by the Quote ‘that he will soon be sitting on a huge pot of money as a shareholder of a gigantic media company’, he reacts somewhat surprised, according to the magazine. “Yes, you could say that. If that was your intention, yes. Yes, then.”

The presenter promises to donate everything to ‘the cause’. “Look, I’ve already let everyone know that I personally will never earn a euro from it. Because we are here to protect nature.”

The article of the Quote, and a video with explanation, you can read here† You can also read Quote via


Winston and Jan last year at Beau:
