Sound engineer presents rare outtakes from 1982





Toby Scott, Bruce Springsteen’s background sound engineer for many years, was a guest at the SoundCheck Xpo radio conference in Mexico City last weekend.

During his almost 90-minute lecture, to the surprise of all participants, he presented some excerpts from old recordings that Springsteen had made in the early 1980s but had not published.

Various versions of “Born In The USA” were included, including an acoustic demo from the “Nebraska” days, which, however, appeared on the Springsteen box set “Tracks” from 1998.

More interesting was probably a pithy blues version of the eternal radio hit, which the boss once recorded with a band and was played by Scott.

Bruce Springsteen recently made headlines mainly because of the large amount of money that flowed into his wallet. No other solo musician earned more in 2021. That has less to do with the songwriter cashing in on new music or on tour, as he reportedly netted $590 million in the sale of all mastering and publishing rights to his songs last December.

Note: Up until a few hours ago, a video with sound impressions introducing the Springsteen outtakes could be heard. This was removed from YouTube for copyright reasons.




