‘Netflix also wants a talk show, will buy stars from RTL and SBS’

It’s pretty much the only thing that sets linear television apart: major TV events and current talk shows. But according to media entrepreneur Ruud Hendriks, Netflix also wants that.

© Netflix

Since streaming services such as Netflix and RTL’s own Videoland are gaining ground so quickly, linear TV channels such as NPO 1 and RTL 4 are increasingly focusing on urgent live television such as talk shows. At the beginning of this year, SBS 6 even chose to cancel half of all prime-time programs on weekdays for the daily VI talk show.

‘Netflix on the hunt’

Media entrepreneur Ruud Hendriks thinks that NPO, RTL and SBS will not take long of their unique selling point can enjoy, because he puts in the Financial Newspaper that the streaming services will also jump on this.

Ruud says: “What I find remarkable: the major streaming services are not participating. But read my lips: you can wait for Viaplay or Netflix to come up with their own daily talk show and buy big presenters away.”

It is not certain that television is currently overflowing with talk show talent, but it is of course quite possible that a Matthijs van Nieuwkerk out of money hunger starts such an online talk show.

Tina agrees

Tina Nijkamp, ​​the fanatical former SBS 6 boss who put a sticker over the logo when her husband zapped to RTL 4, sees that happening too. “Streaming services can also make talk shows. And it is relatively cheap.”

More importantly: you earn a lot with it, Ruud adds. “All the major broadcasting groups have their own talk show, and sometimes even more than one. You can deduce from that that there is a lot of money to be made with it.”

For example, what does a talk show like Jinek yield? About 95,000 euros per episode, according to the FD. You can read more about this topic in the article ‘The multi-million dollar talk show business. Too much of the same? How so?
