Coffee and stuff for Ukrainian refugees in V&D building: “They can withdraw here”

Ukrainian refugees who are received in the Haarlem region can visit the old V&D building every day where they can pick out things and have a cup of coffee. This place was set up by the Haarlem-Ukrainian Anna Roelofs-Ivanchenko, who started a fundraising campaign for Ukraine six weeks ago. In the meantime, her action has grown so much that it has become an official foundation. Today Rasom, as the foundation is called, was officially opened.

“It feels crazy to have a festive opening for something that has a terrible reason,” says Ilse Otten from the team during the kick-off. “Still, we wanted to do this because we want to show what you can achieve when you work together. Which is also what our name stands for because Rasom means together in Ukrainian. We couldn’t have done this without your help. We want to thank you for that .”

According to Roelofs-Ivanchenko, the place that the team has created should become a safe haven for the refugees. “To make it all a bit more bearable for them, a place where they can retreat for a while.” In addition, they can take all the necessary things in the room or drink a cup of coffee. “We have set up a large play paradise for the children and we are going to organize activities. And we are working on setting up language lessons.”

About a hundred guests were present at the opening of Rasom. Mainly sponsors, volunteers and other people who have helped from the beginning came to celebrate the opening. Mayor Jos Wienen was also present. “It is amazing what you have set up and how many people are joining it. I wish you much success, strength and perseverance.”

Wienen indicates that the municipality is also busy arranging help for Ukrainian refugees who end up here. “We are looking for places, organizing education, thinking about work and income. It is important that this is arranged, but then you do not have the people themselves yet. And these kinds of initiatives are aimed at the people themselves and I want to thank you on behalf of the municipality for that.”


In addition to helping refugees here in Haarlem, Rasom also continues to collect items to send them to Ukraine. These can be delivered to the Gierstraat 5. “And we are working on even more ambulances in that direction,” says Roelofs-Ivanchenko.

Starting tomorrow, Rasom will open to refugees. From Tuesday to Saturday they can enter in two groups of fifty, for a half-day. “This way we can provide everyone with the best possible help they need.”
