Police discover cannabis plantation in apartment – because couple argues loudly

Residents of Pfannschmidtstraße in Berlin-Karow alerted the police at around 11:50 p.m.: Loud screams from a man came from a ground floor apartment.

On site, the police met the tenant (24) and his girlfriend (18). Both stated that they only had a little louder verbal argument. However, the police officers encountered a clear smell of cannabis from the apartment, which they addressed to the tenant.

He stated that he only possessed some cannabis for personal use. According to the Berlin police, he agreed to enter his apartment. The police saw transparent bags with cannabis and packaging material lying around openly.

The tenant then withdrew his consent to enter his apartment. The police then obtained a search warrant over the phone.

The 24-year-old is said to have behaved aggressively towards the police and was handcuffed. In the apartment, the police found “suspected narcotics, packaging material typical of the scene and a professionally planted plantation with 73 cannabis plants”. Everything was confiscated.

The tenant was taken into police custody and then released. The police are now investigating illegal cultivation of narcotics.
