A motorcyclist dies after being hit by the vehicle of a drunk driver


Act at 01:53


A 69-year-old motorcyclist has passed away and two others have been injured this Saturday after being rammed by a car whose driver quadrupled the maximum rate of breathalyzer, as reported by Emergencies Seville.

About 10:30 p.m. this Saturday, the Seville Emergency services were alerted by a road accident that had just occurred on the Carretera de Carmonaat the height of Metalurgia Street in the direction of Kansas City Avenue.

The Local Police of Seville has reported on the first inquiries of the investigation, which suggest that tourism driven by the detainee collided in range with the deceased’s motorcycle, dragging the 68-year-old man and his wifealso 68 years old, at a considerable distance.

After the first incident the car continued its course and collided with another motorcycle who was traveling in the opposite direction and whose driver, 38, was injured.

The emergency medical team moved to the scene of the accident tried for an hour to perform resuscitation maneuvers to the 69-year-old motorcyclist, although without success.

The two injured have been transferred to hospitals for their assistance. The driver of tourism, 50 years old, has been arrested and transferred to police units where he is at the moment.

For their part, the investigators of the Seville Local Police are carrying out the own work to clarify what happened.
