Hundreds of neglected parrots discovered in warehouse: ‘Are in bad shape’

In a shed on the Leuvert in Beers, officers discovered heavily neglected birds during a check on Friday: 118 Caique parrots, seven of which had died in the meantime, and two soldier’s macaws.

“The animals were in such bad shape that specialists from the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority warned that many more animals would die within a few days if they remained in these appalling conditions,” the police said on Facebook.

Police report
The NVWA has launched an investigation into the tenant of the shed. An official report will be drawn up against this tenant.

All birds have been confiscated and taken to an approved rescue location.

‘How can people treat animals like that?’
On Facebook it is raining reactions to the discovery of the heavily neglected birds in the shed in Beers. “How can people treat animals like that?” Danjel wonders. “My mouth is falling open at this!”, says Ellie. “Disgusting, if you have animals you take good care of them!”

“People like this should be banned from having animals in the future. They have lost this right,” says Yvonne.
