Spline, a simple tool to design 3D designs collaboratively

To give depth to a site or a project, many companies use 3D videos or images. This requires mastering software features that are sometimes complex to learn. For several years, new tools have been emerging to make the use of 3D simpler and more common. This is particularly the case of Splinewhich allows you to create various and varied elements in 3D in a collaborative way.

Easily create 3D illustrations

Spline is a free application, accessible on Windows, Linux and Mac. It is also available from the web. To start using it, you need to create a new file. The Spline editor then appears, with a very comprehensive tool palette. One of them offers the possibility of simply designing geometric shapes in 3D and 2D. We find in particular a square, a circle, a triangle, a cube, a cone, a pyramid, a polygon, a star… So many essential elements to create unique designs.

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Note that it is also possible to make point-by-point vector drawings using the pen tool. These are contents made of lines created from mathematical curves. This allows you to zoom to infinity without having visible pixels that taint the visual result.

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Spline’s interface allows everyone to easily get started with the tool. Illustration: Spline

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Spline allows you to design various projects in 3D and 2D. Illustration: Spline

Once the composition is done, many elements are still to be added, such as light. From the Spline interface, the user can easily manage the light source, manage its intensity and modify its position and those of the shadows. From the color wheel, he then defines the color of each object, to which he has the possibility of adding textures. If you already have some in your files, you can import them directly from the tool.

To enrich its designs, it may be wise to put text. Again, the smart Spline tool allows you to add splines to any element while following its orientation in space. Objects in the same composition can be 2D and 3D thanks to the layer merging feature offered. However, the layers in question can be separated if necessary with a simple right click.

Within the framework of a project or the design of an animation, the collaborators can work together on the modeling of the design. Each creation can be classified in a folder, accessible by the whole team. In this way, it is possible to move forward more quickly and easily than if you were alone. To export them, several options are possible. The first is in the form of a public URL, available from a web browser. Also available are .JPG, .PNG, JavaScript, HTML and CSS formats.
