Signals green for Porsche and Audi entry into Formula 1: ‘Great news’ | Motorsport

Porsche and Audi want to join the premier class of motorsport from 2026. That year the new engines will be presented, which should be a lot simpler, cheaper and more environmentally friendly compared to now. The current regulations for power sources in Formula 1 have been frozen until 2025.

Red Bull Racing

The arrival of Porsche and Audi is not yet completely final, because the new regulations for the engines have yet to be officially announced. For Porsche, it will most likely work together with Red Bull Racing, which has now set up its own engine factory. The so-called Red Bull Powertrains would then take care of the combustion engine and Porsche the electrical components.

“It’s nice to see, and also important for Formula 1,” said Max Verstappen. “There are ten great teams, but it’s also good that big brands are joining us and now show that they are committed. I look forward.”

Red Bull team boss Christian Horner also calls the approaching entrance “great news for Formula 1”. “And it makes sense that we have discussions with them,” the Briton refers to Porsche.

Audi also wants to ‘buy in’ somewhere. Earlier there were rumors that Audi would like to take over the team from McLaren, but that does not seem to be happening. Audi is also associated with a collaboration with Alfa Romeo (Sauber) or Aston Martin.
