Health Day: free blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol test

Lto Health passes through Prevention. There early diagnosis it has a decisive role in the resolution of most pathologies and is often what determines the healing and saving life.

On the occasion of the World Health Day which is celebrated every year on April 7, Lloyds Pharmacy dedication the whole month of April for free Prevention, for everyone and in any Italian Region. Thanks to this initiative, it is possible to book free blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol self tests in 145 Lloyds Pharmacy nationwide. Information and reservations via Lloyds app or by contacting the Pharmacy (here is the list of participating pharmacies).

Why check blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol

Blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol represent areas of crucial screening for health and well-being, especially after two years in which the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the eating, sports and social habits of everyone, adults, children and the elderly. In fact, high cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure values ​​are now identified by experts as real ‘killers’.

Almost everyone has ate more and often used food consolinglydoing more cheats towards packaged products or products rich in saturated fats. Many have become more sedentary and have reduced physical activity outdoors, with notable negative effects on the functionality of the heart, circulatory and respiratory systems. Furthermore, the priorities linked to the pandemic have too frequently overshadowed preventive visits and examinations, particularly for the population groups most at risk.

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The cholesterol test

The self-test of the Cholesterol is offered in collaboration with Danacol by Danone, which together with LloydsFarmacia is carrying out this free prevention campaign. “To reduce cholesterol, one of the main cardiovascular risk factorsa healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are important “, he claims Fabrizio Gavelli, President and CEO of Danone Company Italy and Greece.

Pneumonia: how to recognize it, treatments and the importance of prevention

Pneumonia: how to recognize it, treatments and the importance of prevention

The pharmacy, a health center

“We have decided to celebrate World Health Day with a concrete gesture of attention to the entire citizenry, once again confirming our commitment to Prevention”, he comments Domenico Laporta, CEO of the Admenta Italia Lloyds Pharmacy Group. “There Prevention it is always necessary, but it is even more so after two years in which the pandemic has made it less easy to access services and routine checks. With this initiative, we at LloydsFarmacia have chosen to renew our vision of farmacist as a health consultant and of Pharmacy as a garrison to turn to to find services, advice and support. For the month of April, we intend to be even more so, certain that the prevention should be a priority “.

