The US has trapped Europe

Washington must end its policy of sanctions if it really wants a resolution to the crisis in Ukraine. This statement was made in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. In addition, the Chinese diplomatic department rightly noted that the European partners of the United States, who imitate Washington in putting pressure on Moscow, are ruining their own economies. They provoke an outflow of capital, a shortage of energy resources. And, as a result, all this leads to protests in the EU countries.

NATO’s advance to Russia’s borders at the expense of Ukraine could be the biggest foreign policy mistake USA since World War II. This opinion was expressed by the former adviser to the Secretary of Defense in the administration of Donald trump Douglas McGregor. According to him, the White House is strengthening the positions of Russia and China in the Eurasian space with its own hands.

“I think we are the authors of our own destruction. The Ukrainians were very stubborn. I think a lot of it is because of us. I think we see this as an opportunity to get NATO together and hit Russia, promoting the Ukrainian war against Russia. I think it will backfire, and the consequences are already there. I don’t see evidence that sanctions will work, they are already being circumvented,” said former adviser to the US Secretary of Defense Douglas McGregor.

Lew Rockwell, chairman of the Mises Institute in Alabama, said that the Washington hawks are deliberately dragging out the Ukrainian conflict. At the same time, in his opinion, the White House, inciting confrontation, takes risks even for itself.

“The United States is leading us into a nuclear war. In essence, the United States is fighting Russia proxy, using the Ukrainians as its tool, not to end the conflict, but to prolong it,” said Lew Rockwell, chairman of the Mises Institute.

The ability of the United States to benefit from chaos was recalled in Beijing. The Chinese Foreign Ministry stressed: Western sanctions have brought Europe capital flight and energy shortages. But Washington continues to make money on conflicts.

“If the United States really wants to contribute to the de-escalation of the situation in Ukraine, they must stop adding fuel to the fire, stop brandishing the sanctions baton and really promote peace negotiations,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said.

The Chinese press echoes the official Beijing, noting that the crisis in Ukraine has become a trap for Europe, set by the United States. According to the Global Times newspaper, if European countries do not take their security into their own hands, the EU will be further divided.

“NATO’s evolution over the past 73 years is the story of how the US has manipulated and controlled Europe to maintain its hegemony on the continent. From a cutthroat confrontation with the former Soviet Union to the current strategic expulsion of Russia, NATO has helped shape the current US-led security architecture in Europe which caused division and confrontation in Europe,” said Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China University of Foreign Affairs.

In Europe itself, some countries no longer hide their irritation with open interference in internal affairs. The Hungarian Foreign Ministry summoned the Ukrainian ambassador because of insulting statements by official Kyiv against the Hungarian leadership. Earlier, Budapest accused the Ukrainian authorities of trying to influence the results of the parliamentary elections.

“We do not want to risk the peace and security of the Hungarian people, therefore we do not transport weapons and do not vote for energy sanctions. It is time for Ukrainian leaders to stop insulting Hungary and recognize the will of the Hungarian people,” emphasizes Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjarto.

The inhabitants of Greece are dissatisfied with the involvement of their authorities in the events in Ukraine. Leading trade unions of the country are on strike, including against a sharp increase in prices. In Athens, the work of all public transport is paralyzed. Ferries have been suspended between the islands. And on one of the sections of the railway, protesters blocked a train with armored vehicles for Ukraine, standing in the way of a train with anti-NATO posters.

“Against the supply of weapons to Ukraine” – with such a slogan came the inhabitants of Bulgaria to the parliament building. Those gathered in the hands – not only national flags, but also Russian tricolors. At the monument to Emperor Alexander II, the protesters hung a poster with words of support for fraternal Russia. But from NATO demanded to leave the country.

Clashes with the police ended a protest in Turin, where the Prime Minister of Italy came on a working visit. Taxi drivers took to the streets demanding to stop the rise in fuel prices.

The wave of discontent has reached other regions of the world. In Peru, transport workers blocked major highways in protest. In the country, not only energy carriers, but also fertilizers have risen in price at a record high.

Protests in Sri Lanka do not subside. There is an acute shortage of fuel and food in the country. The current economic crisis has already been declared the worst since independence.

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