Bayern Munich | Kahn contradicts BVB boss Watzke in salary debate

The obviously decisive reason why FC Bayern has been untouchable in the Bundesliga for years and will soon be able to win its tenth German championship in a row is the different financial conditions. BVB managing director Hans-Joachim Watzke had recently illustrated the huge gap between his club and Munich with an interesting comparison. Bayern boss Oliver Kahn now contradicted that.

Borussia Dortmund’s managing director “Aki” Watzke had calculated that the discrepancy in terms of salary costs between FC Bayern and his BVB was more than 150 million euros and was therefore larger than the lead between second Dortmund and last SpVgg Greuther Fürth.

In the “Sport Bild” Oliver Kahn emphasized above all the clever personnel decisions made by FC Bayern in the past, which would have made the sporting difference in the last decade.

“I would disagree that it has nothing to do with financial reasons. In the last ten successful years we have had and still have a collection of very exceptional players at FC Bayern, with very special personalities who make the difference. Every detail has to fit together .”

BVB was German champion for the last time in 2011/2012

For the former world-class goalkeeper and Bayern captain, one thing is certain: “It’s not that easy to go over there and say: ‘Now I’ll just buy myself a successful team.’ If that were the case, then Paris would long since have been Champions League winners and so would Manchester City.”

It was ten years ago that BVB managed to dethrone FC Bayern from the Bundesliga throne for the last time. At the peak of their career under successful coach Jürgen Klopp, the Black and Yellows secured the 2011/2012 league and DFB Cup double against Munich.

Since then, the German champions have been called FC Bayern every year, and the financial gap between the two grandees of German club football has widened with each season.
