Traffic accidents rose between 2008 and 2019, although with fewer deaths

04/05/2022 at 16:40


Accidents increase in Spain but there are fewer fatalitiesalthough among these the so-called “vulnerable users”motorcyclists, cyclists or pedestrians, according to an analysis promoted by the Mutua Madrileña Foundation and the Gaspar Casual Foundation on road accidents between 2008 and 2019.

In this period there have been more than 1.1 million traffic accidents with minor, serious and fatal victims –22.5% women and 77.5 men–, of which 40.5% have occurred on interurban roads and 59.5% on urban roads, highlights the report carried out by the Health Economics Working Group of the University of Murcia and which was presented this Tuesday, April 5.

However, the CEO of the Mutua Madrileña Foundation, Lorenzo Cooklinhas pointed out that the most “revealing” point is that of the snapshot of the influence of road regulations and the change of habits in the citizenry, since the traditional determinants of accidents –speed or driving under the influence of alcohol– now added distractions with mobile phones and new forms of sustainable mobility.

These new determiners affect pedestrians, motorists and cyclists morewhose presence among the victims has increased considerably while the weight of those killed in passenger cars has been reduced from 48% to 37%.
