Plans for hydrogen bunker station in Ostend

Plans for hydrogen bunker station in Ostend

Port of Ostend, wind turbine company Parkwind and shipping company GEOxyz want to invest in it together. The hydrogen bunker station should be ready in two years, but the project will not immediately be completely green and sustainable.

In the outer harbor of Ostend

The Foxtrot site, very centrally located in the outer harbor of Ostend, is where the hydrogen bunkering station would be located. Renewable energy companies are already located there.

“We also want to play our part in the transition. For this specific project, we now want to ensure in a first phase that ships can charge and refuel in the port of Ostend,” says Charlotte Verkeyn, alderman of the port in Ostend.

Ships on hydrogen

It is not clear which ships will refuel in Ostend. But shipping partner GeoXYZ wants to build ships that run on hydrogen. The bunker station is not yet about green or sustainable hydrogen.

“Now it will be delivered via the port of Antwerp. Via a ship, then. That’s right,” says Charlotte Verkeyn.

Experts follow the project closely

Climate expert Pieter Boussemaere of Vives Hogeschool in Bruges will follow the project closely. He is a bit hesitant.

“If that is gray hydrogen, it usually has no climate benefit. On the contrary, if it is gray hydrogen, it is even worse than bunker diesel. Anyway, it is a learning process. It is good that we try things out. to get that hydrogen green quickly.”

Ostend was also a candidate for the construction of a green hydrogen power station 3 years ago. But this requires a great deal of electricity and that too is not immediately available in Ostend, in surplus.
