France and Germany expel Russian diplomats from their territory

  • The Lithuanian authorities have also decided to reduce Russia’s diplomatic representation in the country with the expulsion of the ambassador, Alexei Isakov, and the closure of the consulate in the city of Klaipeda

As he German executive like French They announced this Monday the expulsion from the country of numerous Russian diplomats considering that their activity is contrary to the national “security interests”. In total, about 70 diplomats have been expelled.

The German government has declared a total of 40 members of the Berlin embassy “persona non grata”, who have been urged to leave the country, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock reported. These are people who “day by day work against our freedom and against our social cohesion”according to the statement issued by Foreign Affairs, which refers to the “incredible brutality” of the Russian leadership, reflected in the images from the Ukrainian city of Bucha.

“We fear that similar images have been produced in other towns occupied by Russian troops,” continues the statement, according to which in the face of this “brutality” we must respond from the “fortress of our freedom.” The diplomats who have been declared “persona non grata” are members of the Russian embassy whose work, according to Foreign Affairs, is “a threat to anyone who seeks protection In our country”.

Ensuring the safety of Europeans

Similar has been the French decision. “France has decided to expel numerous Russian workers with diplomatic status stationed in France and whose activities are contrary to our security interests,” noted a note from the Foreign Ministry.

His statement, of just three sentences, pointed out that this step “is part of a European initiative” and stressed that his first responsibility is “to guarantee the security of the French and Europeans.” According to the BFM TV network, they will have to leave France “about thirty people” a figure not detailed by Foreign Affairs. The French President, Emmanuel Macrondescribed as “war crimes” what happened and called for new sanctions against Russia, in particular an embargo on Russian oil and coal, for which it is going to seek a European agreement in the coming days.

Lithuania expels the ambassador

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The Lithuanian authorities have also decided to reduce the diplomatic representation of Russia in the country with the expulsion of the ambassador, Alexei Isakov, and with the closure of the consulate in the city of Klaipeda. Similarly, the Lithuanian Foreign Minister, Gabrielius Landsbergis, has announced that the Lithuanian ambassador in Moscow, Eitvydas Bayarunas, will also leave his post soon, according to the Lithuanian portal Delfi.

“In response to the continued Russian aggression against sovereign Ukraine and the atrocities perpetrated by the Russian armed forces in several occupied Ukrainian cities, including the appalling massacre in Bucha and other Ukrainian cities, the Lithuanian Government has decided to reduce the level of diplomatic representation.” Landsbergis explained.
