The new book by Greta Thunberg leaves hope alight

G.reta Thunberg returns, not in the square, but in the bookshop, with “The Climate Book”, His new book on the climate crisis which, clearly, already promises to be a best seller.

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The new book by Greta Thunberg

The climate crisis isobviously, just a symptom of a much broader sustainability crisis»Explains the most famous activist for the protection of the planet in the world. “My hope is that this book can be a sort of essential reference for understanding these crisesdistinct but also intimately interconnected “.

In the book Thunberg has brought together more than 100 authoritative experts, between geophysicists and health experts, oceanographers and meteorologists, engineers and indigenous leaders, economists, psychologists and philosophers to help explain the profound crisis with which we are all called to measure ourselves. But the testimonies are by no means didactic, but told as compelling stories of change, action and resilience, amplified by effective graphics and photographs.

Greta Thumberg

Greta Thumberg (AP)

The worst problem? Greenwashing

And with them, the young activist shares her stories of discovery, demonstration and stripping above all of the greenwashing around the worldrevealing to what extent Governments have kept in the dark about what was happening. The work to be done to find sustainable solutions to the climate and ecological crisis is still a lot, but the most important one it is above all to connect all the elements together.

There is hope in Greta Thunberg’s new book

A plurality of voices that will serve precisely for see the problem from different points of view as is fundamental according to Greta Thunberg. But which, despite the distressing scenarios that are described, keeps hope alive. “For me, hope is not something you are given, it is something you have to earn, createThe activist told the Guardian.

“It cannot be acquired passively, by watching and waiting for someone else to do something. The hope is to act and, only once we all have the complete picture, will we be able to do so ».

When is the release? For now we know that the book should arrive in Italy next October.

