SC Freiburg files an appeal because of a mistake made by Bayern Munich – Bundesliga – football

SC Freiburg informed us about the decision in a press release on Monday evening “intensive conversations”. You are in one “no-fault dilemma”according to the club.

“Being Forced into Active Role”

You have no part and no influence on what is happening. But the legal and procedural order of the DFB forces you to play an active role. Without an objection from the club, the DFB would not investigate either.

“We’re keeping the rules of procedure […] for little appropriate. Ultimately, it burdens the completely uninvolved club – in this case us – with the responsibility for processing an obvious violation of the rules.” The objection had therefore been filed primarily to ensure legal certainty “in comparable cases” to produce, according to the association.

Chances of success uncertain

After the objection, the DFB sports court must now decide whether the 4-1 away win of the front runner will last.

The chances of success of the protest are uncertain. On the one hand, there is the gray area in the rules. Even experts were unsure.
