Dangerous situation due to the destruction of Deurzerdiep: ‘This is no longer wanton’

Forest ranger Kees van Son received reports yesterday about destruction of a hiking trail. It concerns the decking path on the edge of Assen, at the Deurzerdiep. The damage has been repaired, but it has created dangerous situations.

Two planks of the decking path have been sawn through. “This is no longer wanton. This must have been done with a very narrow saw or a jigsaw,” says the forester. “Two hundred meters further on is a bridge. Three of the four legs, to which the railings are attached, have been sawn through.” Van Son says that both the path and the railings of the bridge have already been repaired.

A few weeks ago, a shack belonging to the water company WMD was destroyed in the same area. The windows were smashed, the door was broken and the tires were flat. Staatsbosbeheer is going to report vandalism.
