Video: Living with Ukrainian refugees | 1Limburg

Now that the first Ukrainian refugees have been in the Netherlands for almost a month, there are more and more reports that reception in host families is not always going well. Lack of privacy, cultural differences or a language barrier lead to frustration.

Geert van Roij from Heythuysen has been home to seven Ukrainians for three weeks now.

It’s not always easy for him either, but he remains positive. “Of course this has its pluses and minuses. That’s with everything. The women cook wonderfully. I get to eat every day,” says Van Roij.

From Monday it will be a bit quieter in the house because then the children go to school for the first time.

Reimbursement from the State
Van Roij has a big heart and is enthusiastic. But there are also concerns. De Limburger hopes that the cabinet will soon come up with an allowance for host families. “The expenditure of someone who is single is 25 euros a week for groceries. Now it is 200,” he says. According to Van Roij, heating costs have also risen sharply.

Also read: Geert brought seven refugees into his home: ‘Never doubted’

Ukrainian refugees who live with a host family receive 135 euros living allowance from the cabinet. Host families themselves do not receive direct compensation.
