Netflix and Sony Pictures put film projects on hold





Despite the apology and his departure from the film academy, the slap in the face at the Academy Awards continues to have professional consequences for Will Smith: the Oscar winner now apparently has to worry about further roles, since both Netflix and Sony Pictures are currently not interested in working with the actor .

These productions have already been stopped

Loud “The Hollywood Reporters” Those responsible for the fourth part of “Bad Boys” with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are said to have stopped their planning. The actor has already received the script. Since Oscar night, however, it has been questionable whether he will still take on the leading role.

Netflix wanted to shoot the movie “Fast and Loose” with Will Smith. In it he was supposed to play a gangster boss who has lost his memory. Since further planning had to be done in advance without the director David Leitch actually planned, the decision has now apparently been made to stop the film for the time being. Here, too, it is unclear whether the project will actually be shown on the streaming service at some point.

Will Smith: Apple TV+ is (still) sticking to a project

Apple TV + has not yet said goodbye to the already finished thriller “Emancipation” with Will Smith. This should apparently still start in the second half of this year. Then it will be clear whether the actor’s image has suffered long-term damage or whether the slap in the face can be forgiven. Should the streaming service part with the prestigious project with Oscar chances, it would be a very bad sign for Smith’s career.




