Esther alias DJ Je Mother (57): ‘I keep playing until I drop’ | WOMAN magazine

Spinning in the club

“It was love at first sight: playing in the club. I was 18 and I liked everything equally. Fish plates from the bins, feel the atmosphere, happy faces. Still, I stopped when I was 22. Life came in between: a study, job, children… Until my life came to an abrupt halt in 2013. I got cancer in a vertebra and was in the rags for years. I even ended up in a wheelchair for a while. Then you start to think: why am I here? And what really makes me happy? My mind kept drifting back to the past.

age discrimination

When I got better, I knew one thing for sure: I had to start DJing again. I didn’t care that I was now 54 and technology has changed a lot. I would just refresh my knowledge with workshops. That was quite difficult, because I had to deal with age discrimination. Learning to spin is something for young people, institutions receive a subsidy up to the age of 25. But I kept looking until I could get something to work. I didn’t care that I was the oldest of the group. I exchanged my obscure records from the past for hip hop, R&B and soul; of course you have to move with the times.

Your mom

DJ Your Mother was made up for me as a joke, no one thought I would actually adopt that name. But why not? My children had to get used to it; suddenly mothers were practicing all day in the living room. They won’t be asking me for their own parties anytime soon, that’s a bit embarrassing. At the same time, they are proud. When I’m in Paradiso, they immediately look for me behind the booth.

Till I drop

It’s not about age, it’s about mindset† My mind is young and positive. I have to dose the number of performances, but otherwise I keep it up just fine. I want to keep spinning until I drop and go around the world. Life is too short and unpredictable not to do what makes you happy. I can’t wait for the festival summer!”

This article appears in the new VROUW Magazine (every Saturday at De Telegraaf). As a premium member you can also read it online (sometimes earlier).
