Leonardo Spinazzola visited Turku – Lasse Lempainen told the good news to the futar

Leonardo Spinazzola, 29, popped up in Turku.

Leonardo Spinazzola took return to play tests in Turku.

Star defender of the Italian national football team and AS Roman Leonardo Spinazzola arrived in Turku last Wednesday.

– We did it here return to play tests on Thursday and Friday. Then he went back home on Friday night, Lasse Lempainen says.

Lempainen, an orthopedic specialist on duty in Turku, cut Spinazzola last July when the star player’s Achilles tendon broke in the semifinals of the European Championships against Belgium. A visit to Turku put a smile on Spinazzola’s lips.

– Based on the tests and exercises, it seems that he has all the prerequisites to return to the same level as before the injury, Lempainen says.

It was not a matter of course, as it was a serious injury.

– If your Achilles tendon breaks, it may, in the worst case, know the end of your career for a top athlete, Lempainen knows.

The story continues after the picture.

Lasse Lempainen (right) cut Spinazzola last summer.

“Good feeling”

Lempainen has been closely involved in Spinazzola’s rehabilitation for the entire nine months. He has also visited Rome twice to see the player.

The initial phase of rehabilitation went according to plan after a successful surgery, but there was a small back pack in the early part of the year when Spinazzola suffered a minor back injury.

– It is very common when a top athlete enters the final stage of long-term rehabilitation and starts doing sport-like hard runs and mobility exercises.

Now, however, the hind leg injury is behind him, and Spinazzola got permission from Lempainen to play. The exact time of return will be decided by the coaching team of AS Roman.

– I think he will still be able to play at the top this season. He had a good feeling, and everything looks good now, Lempainen says.

AS Roma have eight games left without playing this season in Serie A. The team, which ranks sixth, is fighting fiercely for European seats, so there is certainly still a lot of use for Spinazzola’s skills in Rome.

– And he must have been needed in the Italian national team as well, Lempainen reminds.

Italy dropped sensationally out of the Qatar World Cup when Northern Macedonia dropped the reigning European champion in the qualifiers.

The story continues after the picture.

Leonardo Spinazzola was the best defender of the European Championships last summer. AOP

Zapata coming

In recent years, the Olympic champion, world champion and European champion have visited Lempainen.

Positive pussadio radio works, because in a couple of weeks the following supername will arrive in Turku: Atalanta’s 31-year-old star striker Duván Zapata.

– Yes, it feels good that we can help the best in the world. The clubs have appreciated our help, Lempainen says with satisfaction.

Spinazzola is ready to make a return to the pitch.
