Dobrindt considers the end of almost all corona protection measures to be premature

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt considers the extensive omission of state corona requirements such as 2G, 3G or the obligation to wear masks this Sunday to be wrong. “At a time when the number of infections is very high, it is premature to end almost all protective measures,” said the head of the CSU MPs in the Bundestag of the German Press Agency in Berlin. He would have liked to have adhered to the mask requirement, for example when shopping.

Dobrindt appealed to citizens to continue to protect themselves against the corona virus with a mask – and not only where it is still required, such as on buses and trains. “Wearing masks still makes sense. It is also advisable to continue to wear masks for self-protection outside of public transport.”

The head of the CSU state group criticized the line of the traffic light coalition in the Corona policy: “With the new infection protection law, the traffic light government has abolished the instruments of the federal states and at the same time created maximum legal uncertainty.”

Dobrindt is also critical of the hotspot regulation, which enables countries to maintain protective measures if their state parliaments determine a particularly critical corona situation. Only Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are making use of this for the time being. Dobrindt said: “I don’t think it is justifiable to declare whole countries a hotspot, while the nationwide rules are abolished in the case of relatively comparable infection rates throughout Germany.”/sk/DP/nas
