Germany cancels most of the corona measures | Coronavirus what you need to know

Germany is lifting most of the corona measures from today, despite protests from several states. They can still oblige the wearing of the mouth mask in certain circumstances.

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A test or vaccination is no longer necessary in Germany to attend events and unvaccinated people can also return to shops and restaurants without hassle. At the national level, the mouth mask requirement only applies in planes and trains for long-distance travel.

Furthermore, companies, shops and institutions can choose whether they want to keep the mouth mask obligation.

The federal states can decide for themselves whether the mouth mask is still mandatory in public transport, in rest homes or during surgical procedures. They may also maintain testing for Covid-19 in schools. In Berlin, for example, a face mask is still necessary when visiting the opera. If the virus rises, a state parliament can reintroduce the mask obligation in, for example, shops.

The measures were actually supposed to be lifted on March 20, but fears that things would move too quickly were opted for a transition period in some parts of the country. The legislation that makes national measures possible has expired. Mandatory quarantine after an infection is deleted for most people.

However, many Germans are not reassured, also because more than 1.5 million new infections were added last week. A recent poll shows that a large majority of the population is concerned about the disappearance of the mask obligation and the 2G and 3G measures.
