messed up Miss Finland according to Pia Lamberg

Waleed Ahmed was imprisoned in the United States for years for investment fraud.

Waleed Ahmed got to meet famous people. Pictured Waleed is in the back left. The royals are seen in the front row. Yle

Norwegian Mark Zuckerberg invited Waleed Ahmed was released from an American prison last month. Emil Trier documentary completed last year Trust Me – The Waleed Ahmed Story tells why he had gotten there years earlier.

– This is like a fairy tale, Waleed himself said in an old interview more than a decade ago.

That’s what it was, from start to finish: a mere forge. Barely an adult, Waleed told how he had invented a friend Flemming Bordoyn with sunlight, and also electric light, a rechargeable cell phone battery. The buddies had supposedly gotten the idea for their vacation in Dubai. In reality, they had never even been to Dubai, and even the batteries were a mere lie. Waleed introduced the Chinese-made solar cell chargers it ordered from the online store.

Waleedia was considered a teenage sensation that was celebrated everywhere – at first. Carl Martin Nordby, Yle

The lie carried Waleed far. He posed in the pictures together with the Crown Prince of Norway Haakoninthe crown princess Mette-Maritinqueen Sonjanof the deceased Kofi Annaninqueen Ranian and a media mogul Ted Turnerin with. In 2013, we – and the world – reported how the 2011 Miss Finland was Pia Lamberginthen Pakarisenthe name was merged with Waleed. CNN reported how Lamberg was to be marketed Justin Bieberin concert tour in the Nordic countries.

Lamberg did not know that Waleed was a cheater.

Pia Lamberg is not seen in the documentary, but nine years ago she was also reported in Finland in connection with Waleed Ahmed. Riitta Heiskanen

Pia Lamberg is not mentioned in the documentary, but there is a lot of talk about Bieber’s tour. The reason is clear. As a result, Waleed was caught and caught behind bars.

Bieber’s tour was true, and it brought the singer to Finland in April 2013, but Waleed didn’t join it. He still managed to trick a million-dollar American investor into claiming that he had the rights to tour Scandinavia. Investor, Todd Weinberghowever, eventually began to suspect investment fraud and contacted the FBI in September 2012. When Bierber took the stage in Helsinki, Waleed had been in government in the United States for some time.

Trust Me – The Waleed Ahmed Story today at Theme & Fem at 9.45 pm & in the Arena. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
