Save hundreds of euros with these tips from budget coach Eef van Opdorp

Energy prices are skyrocketing. The cabinet calls on Saturday to lower the thermostat and is doing so itself. But what else can you do to save money in these expensive times? Budget coach Eef van Opdorp from Rosmalen knows what to do.

Of course she also put on two sweaters during the interview. “Yes, yes, yes!” she laughs. “I’m always cold, so now an extra sweater.” And so the first tip is already in before the conversation. Since 2008, the savings expert has been helping people to get things back on track financially, including in the RTL program Deferral of Execution.

You often spend money in different places. “And so it starts with an overview”, is her advice. The National Institute for Budget Information (NIBUD) has a handy calculation tool on the site, to see if you have a normal issuance pattern.

“You have to look at yourself with fresh eyes. You are going to see how you are now. What do you spend all your money on?”, she explains. “Just take it out for half an hour.” And then it is a matter of making sharp choices if you are short of money.

Insurance and subscriptions
The big savings often come from insurance and subscriptions. “Then it concerns hundreds of euros, especially with your car insurance. Go to three different comparison sites. You can also look at your telephone and cable subscriptions, Netflix and other fun. You can also save tens of euros on that.”

Because anything that happens automatically is treacherous. “Those are blind spots. Money leaks, I also call them”, knows the budget coach. “It’s often all small amounts, but if you add them up it goes quickly, especially on an annual basis.”

And it is also wise to use your bank’s app. “Look back two months, at all you bought.” The main thing is to analyze your own money behavior and become aware of it. “Only when you realize what you are doing can you do something about it.”

People in the center of Rosmalen are also concerned with the high prices:

Scan messages yourself
According to Van Opdorp, you can make a big difference with small steps. “Pick up the self-scanner in the supermarket. Agree with yourself how much you want to spend on groceries.” Or you can take the bike more often. “That way you can exercise right away, which saves you a subscription.” Or exchange expensive coffee cups for old-fashioned pour-over coffee with a filter. “It’s very tasty too.”

“Of course there are also people with low incomes who have already tried everything”, Van Opdorp realizes. She also appeals to the people who are well off. “Look at each other and help each other. With a little money or send someone in the right direction. And don’t be ashamed if you get into trouble, but seek help. Don’t bury your head in the sand for years.”

ALSO READ: This is how you save on your energy bill now that the gas price is rising
