Small and medium businesses named the most attractive support measures

Business ,


Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses named the most attractive support measures

In Russia, 57% of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses announced the negative impact of the current situation and 54% of entrepreneurs that they need support for their business, follows from the survey

More than half of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses said that the current situation had already negatively affected and their business needs support. This is evidenced by the results of a study by IFORS Research, received by RBC.

Another 63% of companies familiar with the support measures proposed by the authorities plan to use at least one of them. The most famous support measures among representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia are:

  • credit holidays for affected industries (89%);
  • a moratorium on scheduled non-tax audits of businesses (82%);
  • a moratorium on the bankruptcy of companies that have debts on taxes and contributions (74%).

At the same time, entrepreneurs called the most attractive support measures:

  • a moratorium on scheduled non-tax audits (59%);
  • a compensation program for using the FPS fast payment system (44%);
  • preferential lending programs (40%).
