ZooParc zoo in Overloon gets a special animal species

Special new residents for ZooParc: the animal park in Overloon will soon welcome five mhor gazelles. A rare species, of which there are only 500 left worldwide. “We are happy that we can contribute to the conservation of these animals.”

Head of animal care Steven van den Heuvel is delighted with the arrival of the special gazelles, which can be recognized by their brown backs and white legs. “We’ve been trying to get them this way for three years now.” And so now everything is done to make the animals happy.

“They originally come from the desert. That’s why we are now making a large sandy area with some rocks here and there, where they can relax. And there will be a special shelter, in case it rains.” In their brand new enclosure, they are also joined by two ostriches, who have also recently arrived in the park.

Breeding programs
The Morgazels are in danger of extinction in recent years for several reasons. For example, the species has been hunted for a long time, but they also suffer from the drought in North Africa, where the animals live in the wild. Special breeding programs should prevent the Morgazels from disappearing further. ZooParc will soon have one male and four females.
