Veera Virta moved to Helsinki in search of work – then everything collapsed

Veera Virta, familiar from the first season of Love Island and piloting the Wonderful East podcast, was disappointed once again.

TIIA HEISKANEN / Screenshot: Instagram

In texts published in the Stories section of Instagram, someperson and expert in Russian language and culture Veera Virtatells of the bitter disappointment he experienced.

Virta, who graduated from the University of Tampere with a master’s degree in philosophy, has shared many of her feelings about a challenging job search. Graduation from university was located around the coronary crisis.

– A little weak time for the international profession, Virta writes on her social media.

In the end, the job search paid off and Virta was informed that she could start a new job in the Helsinki metropolitan area in early April. At work, he would be able to use Russian and the job description would be project coordination for a construction company.

As the new job was located in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Virta, who lives in Tampere, had to give up her current home and start looking for an apartment in the Helsinki area. Information about the new job came in early March.

The landlord understood the situation and hoped to find a tenant for the apartment as soon as April.

– Otherwise, I would have to pay the rent in April, as I did not terminate the apartment until March, Virta writes.

Towards Helsinki

As no tenant had yet been found for the Tampere apartment at the end of March, Virta had not yet rented another one in Helsinki. Paying two rents to different cities at the same time seemed like a bad option.

The landlord then found a new tenant. There was about five days left to move.

“I said that I am moving out of it now, when I had once hoped that the landlord would be looking for a tenant for the apartment by April,” Virta continues.

Due to the urgent move, Virra still does not have an apartment in Helsinki. The goods are in a rented warehouse and Virta herself stays in the corner of her partner.

– We’re not going to move in yet, he adds.

After the move, things had to be under control. However, the opposite happened.

Power had inquired a couple of days before work began what time he should arrive at the office on the day work began. The answer was hard to believe.

– I can’t start working for a target company when they don’t have a job to offer.

The target company, for which Virta was to be employed through a rental agency, announced a drastic change.

– Projects are standing, there are no jobs to offer, good continuation. Two days before the start! I didn’t know if I should cry or laugh.

Without jobs and housing

Virta had left her life in Tampere for a new job. He had lived in the same apartment for six years.

The temporary employment agency through which Virta had entered into an employment contract was as stunned as Virta.

– They said it really wasn’t ok.

The employer began investigating the case. After a few hours of investigation, the matter became definitive: there are no jobs.

– However, the temporary employment company offered me a month’s salary, as if in severance pay, Virta writes on Instagram.

He was offered the opportunity to review the work that the company would have to offer him as a consultant. In the contract, it was also possible to apply for jobs from outside the company.

– So now I am in a situation where I live in Helsinki for the time being without an apartment and without a job. For no reason to be here.

The job search project starting again does not inspire Virta. It lasted for days in the last year.

– If managing things in the target company is in that category, what would the work itself have been? Power is updating.

There is nothing bad to say about the temporary employment company with which he had originally signed his contract.

– They take care of things really well.

With a difficult experience, Virta tries to find humor in the situation.

– Fortunately, I took this HSL season ticket for a year for business trips, so I can ride on my back with a spore. You could even start sitting here anyway, but when you don’t even have to go to work, Virta is carving in her next stories.
