Dermatology a specialty in constant growth

What role does dermatology play?

Dermatology is the specialty that deals with the care and treatment of healthy and diseased skin. Dermatological pathology is very extensive since it encompasses both primary skin diseases, that is, those originating in the structures of the skin, nails, hair, mouth and genital apparatus; as other systemic diseases that manifest through it.

It is the largest organ of the body and due to its visibility, patients with dermatological diseases, especially chronic ones, can suffer stigmatization and negative reactions that generate psychological repercussions, affecting their quality of social, work and personal life.

Pharmacological and technological advances have increased the diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities of these pathologies.

What diseases and pathologies are treated by a dermatologist and what role do new technologies play in such treatments?

An important part of Dermatology is skin cancer, with a large increase in recent years as it is closely related to sun exposure. The new technologies used in the analysis and photography for scanning moles, as well as carrying out annual prevention and awareness campaigns, help in early detection and the possibility of using minimally invasive therapies for their treatment.

In the case of Psoriasis, Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Atopic Dermatitis, progress has been made in the last ten years in understanding the pathogenesis of the disease.

New biological therapies were developed that allow the disappearance of lesions and control of systemic involvement, radically changing the evolution and quality of life of these patients.

Hyperhidrosis is called excessive sweating that may or may not be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, it occurs in the armpits, palms and soles both during activity and at rest and mainly in situations of stress. The application of botulinum toxin and the development of surgical techniques modify the social impact that this generates.

Aesthetic Dermatology is at the forefront in the development of new molecules and technologies. The use of new hyaluronic acids, collagen stimulants, botulinum toxin, lasers and the combination of these treatments allow natural results with maximum safety and efficacy. They are applied to prevent and treat skin aging as well as exclusively dermatological pathologies such as melasma, rosacea, and acne scars.

The progress of Dermatology is exciting. The use of these scientific and technological tools generates a change in the present and in the future of patients, mainly those who suffer from chronic pathologies and with high social impact.

Contact information:

Monica Melmed

Medical Dermatologist

PM: 114044

Address: Calle 39 No. 1036. La Plata

Telephone: 221 5121019 / 221-362726


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