the council elections at a real local level

Voting for the city council at Beekse Bergen in Hilvarenbeek.Image Raymond Rutting / de Volkskrant

1 Busiest polling station

The Heyhoef District Center in Tilburg registered 4,886 votes, making it the busiest polling place in the Netherlands. The crowds were spread over three days. Across the Netherlands, 6.7 million citizens voted, of which just under 16 thousand were invalid. Nearly 20 thousand people cast a blank vote. Seven to eight hundred voters came to an average polling station.

2 Mobile polling stations

Only three voters came to vote in the mobile polling station in the station hall of Gorinchem between 7.30 and 9.30 am on Wednesday morning, making it the only polling station where Jesus Lives managed to get a third of the votes. Many Dutch municipalities had set up mobile polling stations, and there were also a number of tents and drive-throughs where voters could go, just like last year. Not every location was popular. Less than a hundred voters showed up at about two hundred polling locations. Seven polling stations had to make do with fewer than ten voters. These were mainly mobile offices, which were only open for a few hours.

Results card

How did your neighborhood vote in the municipal elections? Check it out here.

3 Residential care center for SGP

The SGP looks good in the reformed residential care center Elim in Barneveld. Almost everyone voted for this party, except for one voter. Of the 53 votes cast, 52 went to the SGP and one to the CDA. The SGP won in more than half of the Barneveld polling stations, but Lokaal Belang also scored well, being the largest in one third of the offices in the Gelderland municipality. In only two polling stations in the Netherlands with more than fifty voters, a party obtained more than 90 percent of the vote. In addition to the SGP in Barneveld, the list combination ChristenUnie-SGP in Residential Care Center Nebo in Zwijndrecht succeeded with 91 out of 93 votes.

4 Real for Barendrecht

The most notable gain of a local party was in Barendrecht, where the local party Echt turned out to win an absolute majority for Barendrecht. Barendrecht spoke with one voice, because this party was the largest in all individual polling stations in that municipality. Most popular was the party in the pop-up polling station at the Gemeentegemaal, where almost 70 percent of voters opted for Echt for Barendrecht.

5 Colors in Amsterdam

Amsterdam turned red, according to PvdA party leader Lilianne Ploumen, but parts of the city remained green for GroenLinks, turned blue for the VVD, or saw Denk or Bij1 win. The differences between city districts are clearly visible. The PvdA is winning everywhere. Bij1 won a lot in the Bijlmer, Denk in Amsterdam Nieuw-West, the VVD was strong in the canal belt and Oud-Zuid and GroenLinks in the refurbished old working-class neighbourhoods.

6 Forum Splits

Of all the Forum for Democracy splits, Belang van Nederland was the most successful. The boxes in Wybren van Haga’s party were colored red by many northern voters. In Dorpshuis de Kamp in Tytsjerkadiel, the new party received almost a quarter of the votes. JA21 only participated in Amsterdam and got the best result there in the Stichting Buurtkamer Kadoelen, with 17 percent of the votes. The best result for Forum for Democracy was also achieved in Friesland, with 14 percent of the votes in Ut Wykje in Sneek, municipality of Súdwest-Fryslân.

7 D66 the biggest

D66 was not only big in the ‘traditional’ strongholds such as Wageningen and Nijmegen. The party scored best in a polling station in Leudal, Limburg: with 505 votes, the party managed to win over 44 percent of the voters in the community house. D66 now has five seats in the municipality, compared to three.

8 GroenLinks the largest

GroenLinks also won the biggest victory, almost 50 percent of the vote, not in strongholds such as Nijmegen or Wageningen but in De Ontmoeting in Edam-Volendam. Party chairman Nico van Straalen explains the success by his party’s opposition to the planned industry in the Purmer. In Edam, the resistance to these plans is much greater than in Volendam, which is why there were many votes for GroenLinks in the polling station in the heart of Edam.

9 Proxies in The Hague

In The Hague, traditionally, a lot of votes are cast by proxy. Relatively the most proxy votes, more than 30 percent, were in the community centers Sam Sam and De Burcht. In both community centers, Denk became the largest party. In the whole of the Netherlands, 765 thousand votes were cast with proxies, slightly less than 12 percent of the total. In Bergen op Zoom, the mayor filed a report because of the high number of proxies. Ultimately, no irregularities were found here by the Public Prosecution Service.
