Italian opera singing as a candidate for Unesco heritage

THEL Italian opera singing is nominated for UNESCO heritage. It is celebrated but still a bitter taste in the mouth for the exclusion of coffee, the other true universal symbol of the country.

Milan, Piazza della Scala packed for Roberto Bolle

Opera singing candidate for Unesco heritage

There was nothing to be done for the most famous Italian drink in the world, even if the organization specified that the dossier was highly appreciated. Therefore, belcanto, opera, melodrama and «recitar cantando»Have beaten the« culture of espresso coffee »that unites the country from Venice to Naples.

The board of directors, chaired by Franco Bernabè, thus decided to officially present the candidacy of “The Art of the Italian Opera Singing” in Paris. So that it can enter, starting from 2023, the list of intangible cultural heritage recognized and protected by UNESCO.

Italian cultural expression but of humanity as a whole

With still in mind the images of the choir of the Odessa Opera singing “Va, Pensiero” from Giuseppe Verdi’s Nabucco on the street, under the Ukrainian flag, comes this nomination for one of the most authentic and original Italian cultural expressions, but of all humanity.

A news, a source of great satisfaction and pride for the whole country, but also for all professionals and operators in the sector and for all lovers of music and the performing arts. A decision that, comments the Minister of Culture Franceschini, shows that it recognizes the importance of one reality able to tell the immense wealth of traditions and skills that distinguishes Italy in the world.

Opera singing, Unesco heritage, an aid to the relaunch

The recognition of the UN agency would give a fundamental impulse to relaunch opera, one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic. With the organization of festivals and reviews, specific training programs in schools. And with the establishment of a “World Day of Opera Singing»And an international award.

Opera singing candidate for Unesco heritage

A world of professionals and enthusiasts

Lyric singing has its roots in central Italy in the seventeenth century, to then expand throughout the peninsula and subsequently abroad, thanks to the international fame achieved by Italian performers and composers who have given humanity great masterpieces.

Today, among conservatories, musical academies, historical theaters and lyric-symphonic foundations, Italian opera singing represents a community of over 30 thousand between professionals and practitioners. Young and old alike united by a passion for a specific “way of singing” that enhances the “carrying power of the voice”.

Two news for Italy

But there is also another novelty this year for Italy: the country also participates in theextension of the candidacy “Transhumance, the seasonal droving of livestock”, to Albania, Andorra, Croatia, France, Luxembourg, Romania and Spain. There Transhumance was registered in the list of Unesco intangible cultural heritage in 2019 as a transnational element in Austria, Greece and Italy.

