Vittoria di Savoia went to the border with Ukraine

“No.he last days I went to the border with Ukraine to bring, together with a group of friends and some volunteers from the Odyssey of Peace association, various goods including food, medicines and games for children ». The person in question is Vittoria di Savoia, 18 years old, daughter of Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia. Which he decided to giving concrete help to the populations affected by the war by leaving for the Ukrainian border. Breaking the news was a proud dad who shared on the his Instagram profile the images and words of her daughter only once she returned to Italy.

War in Ukraine, citizens of Kiev are hiding in the subway to escape bombing

Victory of Savoy on the border with Ukraine

«I have decided to let people know about my trip only now, when things are done, to try to encourage as many people as possible to help out, even in their own small way, to this people who live in a situation of extreme suffering “explains the girl. Which appears in the images intent on arranging boxes and distributing goods to the people met.

Because he decided to leave

Vittoria di Savoia clearly explains why she decided to leave. “While I was wondering why no one was going to help these poor people I told myself that if they didn’t go … “the grown-ups” … I could have left, even if in my small way“. No sooner said than done. “I must say that you surprised me to see, more than large associations or large groups, many young people like me who rolled up their sleeves and left, without thinking twice, to go and concretely lend a hand to these people now exhausted by an exhausting war ».

The testimony of Vittoria di Savoia

Victory of Savoy

Victory of Savoy among the needy affected by the war in Ukraine (Photo Instagram @efsavoia)

Back in Italy, the daughter of Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia tells everything she has seen. “I found in the various reception centers all over the Ukrainian border, first in Ubl’a and then in Barabás and finally in Záhony, many children left separated from their families and completely lost in tears and blood but that, as soon as they saw a friendly smile, they changed their look, even if for a short time … perhaps regaining some hope ».

The most touching moment

Since Ukraine was attacked by Russia we have seen so many pictures about the war. The eighteen-year-old comes back to tell her. “One of the most touching moments was seeing a father, visibly tried, who left his children in this sort of makeshift orphanage to try to guarantee them safe conduct for Europe and that then, amid general tears, he ran again across the Ukrainian border to reach the outpost of Kiev and return to fight knowing that, most likely, he would never see his family again ».

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We need to help people who are suffering

A testimony released by Vittoria for a very specific reason: to raise awareness and involve as many people as possible in aid actions. “I don’t want to discuss politics or who is rightas those “grown-ups” who, in addition to words, only know how to remain “motionless” are doing, but I want to talk about people. And I will express a concept that is also banal, but which apparently is unknown to most … »continued Emanuele Filiberto’s daughter. Concluding: «We need to help people who are suffering. I did it, also thanks to the help of many good people and a group of friends, and I invite all of you, in any way and by any means, to do the same ».

