General practitioner takes care of Ukrainian mothers and children | 1Limburg

Two mothers and their children from Ukraine will soon be living in part of a general practitioner’s practice in Haelen.

This is what GP Erik Deckers announced via Facebook.

Former Kindergarten
The women fled Ukraine with their children because of the war. The general practice on the Kraaiakkerweg therefore offers the building as shelter for the refugees. The general practice is located in the building of the former kindergarten ‘de Ukkepuk’.

Looking for things
GP Deckers is still looking for items to furnish the living space, such as furniture, white goods, textiles and cutlery. He therefore appeals to people via a Facebook to donate things.

At the moment, about 1500 Ukrainian war refugees have found shelter in a place in Limburg. In addition to the 1,500 Ukrainians accommodated by municipalities, an as yet unknown number of refugees are being taken care of by private individuals.

Also read: 1500 Ukrainians in Limburg: looking for more properties

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