‘Why are you sitting like this? This is really rude!’

Anna Nooshin has come under fire for her casual sitting position during an interview on YouTube. “She sits with both feet on her chair. I think that’s weird. I think it’s rude!”, it sounds.

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She has been in the corner where the blows fall for years: Anna Nooshin. In fact, she can do almost nothing right. Now she is under fire for her sitting position during an interview with Farja Farvardin of Rumag TV. This interview made the news a few weeks ago because Anna lashes out hard at the lying Maxime Meiland.

Feet on chair

Now Anna herself is under fire, namely by LINDA. columnist Stéphanie Hoogenberk. “Anna Nooshin was interviewed by a boy. I don’t know exactly who he is, but I saw that video on Instagram, in which she also taunted Martine Meiland. I think rightly so, but good,” she says in the podcast The Shit Show

Stéphanie looked at it with annoyance. “Anna Nooshin then sits with both feet on her chair. I find that strange.”


Co-host Janneke van der Horst: “I also find that very strange. Very rude.”

Stéphanie: “I think it’s rude. Just watch it. A lot of women – this is really a woman’s thing, men don’t do this – sit with both feet on the chair. So squatted. Nice and cozy. That you do that at home on the couch… But I’m not going to sit on a terrace like this, am I? They also sit like this on the terrace! Terrible, just act normal.”

Not normal

Hollywood star Mila Kunis has also been guilty of this, during a video call between her and her husband Ashton Kutcher with Ukrainian President Zelensky (pictured below). Stéphanie: “I looked at that photo for a while and what I saw then I don’t think is normal. That’s when I saw that Mila Kunis’s knee was in the picture.”

So she sat in her chair with her knees bent, Stéphanie continues. “It annoys me in a normal situation, but it annoys me even more in a situation where you can call the f*cking president of Ukraine and that you take such a lousy attitude like: this is just a spontaneous call, and that you sit with such a bent knee.”


Mila Kunis’s photo:


Stéphanie’s podcast about raised knees:
