THW Kiel sets an example with victory in Magdeburg – and still stacks deep, Handball | Bundesliga – NDR – Regional

That’s why Kiel’s coach Filip Jicha piled deep after the 30:25: “Hope doesn’t win championships, we know that. The situation in the league doesn’t change at all. I think the SCM is still swimming in its own waters,” said the coach the constellation in the title race.

Magdeburg has six minus points less than THW

His line runner Patrick Wiencek agreed: “Magdeburg is perhaps playing the most beautiful handball in the league this season. They still have a big lead and still have to lose three games. If they continue to play like before, it will be difficult.”

With 44:4 points, Magdeburg is still clearly ahead of Kiel (40:10) and Füchsen Berlin (37:9) and therefore has all the trump cards in hand to make the first championship title perfect for 21 years on their own.

Coach Bennett Wiegert sees it that way too. “We still have a luxurious situation. And championships are not decided in direct duels with Kiel or Flensburg.”

Second place and the cup win in view

The THW victory may not have changed the situation in the championship race much, but it was enormously important: On the one hand for the recently somewhat damaged self-confidence, but also with a view to the table. Because if it’s not enough for the title, the “Zebras” definitely want to finish second and qualify for the lucrative Champions League.

And finally, on April 23rd and 24th, the cup finals will take place in Hamburg. There could be a repeat of the game from Saturday in the final. It would certainly not be a disadvantage for THW to know that they can beat SCM on a good day.

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Schleswig-Holstein Magazine | 03/26/2022 | 19:30 o’clock

Source: NDR
