Police throws 30 people on receipt at illegal street race in Brabant | Inland

The police and the municipality of Moerdijk, which includes Zevenbergschen Hoek, took action after new complaints from local residents about illegal races. It turned out that thirteen motorcycles and 150 cars had come to the town to participate in and watch the races.

It is not the first time that illegal matches have been held in this place. In recent weeks, according to the police, fines have already been handed out and participants and the organization were asked to leave the site. Reason to act now “repressive”. Mayor Aart-Jan Moerkerke van Moerdijk: ,,It concerns enormous nuisance for local residents and very dangerous situations. That has to stop. That’s why we went all out today and that paid off.”

To prevent the races in the future, the municipality is placing fences on the industrial estate. It is also examined with lawyers whether administrative action can be taken against participants, because it has been made clear to them several times that they are not allowed to race in Zevenbergschen Hoek.
