Samantha Steenwijk furious with Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘Completely false!’

Samantha Steenwijk denies the use of life-threatening and illegal diet pills. The singer thinks it is a great shame that Yvonne Coldeweijer has presented this as fact.


A week and a half ago, Yvonne Coldeweijer lashed out at Samantha Steenwijk. She said in her Popcorn Show that the singer is not tracking, because she would have taken the illegal Iomax diet pills. “Which bitch is going to take pills that are super dangerous for your health and that can give you a brain haemorrhage?”

Samantha intervenes

The savage Samantha has intervened, because the episode of The Popcorn Show in which Yvonne makes these claims is silent taken offline

Yvonne on her juice channel: “I have a juice channel, but that doesn’t mean that I spend all day in the bushes peeking at famous Dutch people. I get information from my spies and I judge it. And if I think it’s important enough to share it with you, I will. This is also the case in the case of Samantha Steenwijk.”

Message from Samant

However, Samantha is not amused about this state of affairs. Yvonne: “I have now received a message from Samant. She vehemently denies that she has taken illegal slimming pills to lose weight. You go girl! According to her, it is completely untrue and I was not allowed to present that as fact according to her.”

She continues: “I thought it was neat to mention that in the context of the adversarial process. Illegal diet pills are dangerous and I think it’s better not to use them. And I think it’s important to point this out to my viewers.”


Yvonne’s statement:
